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Why Choose
Perfect Smiles Plano

Pediatric Dentist Chestnut Hill MA

Ahmad Tehrani, DDS

Dr. Tehrani has been practicing dentistry since 1988 and is dedicated to restorative, cosmetic, and family dentistry. Dr. Tehrani was a dental assistant before attending Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas, where he graduated with a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree in 1986.

Dr. Tehrani is considered a pioneer in microscopic dentistry and understands just how vital technology is to quality dentistry. “A perfect smile inside and out” is the creed he lives by every day and he works hard to bring the very best care to the community he calls home.

Pediatric Dentist Chestnut Hill MA

Dr. Maria Molcut

Meet Dr. Maria Molcut! She has always loved science, art, and working with her hands. Dentistry is the perfect mix of all those interests and she decided early on that she wanted to go to dental school because she knew that having a great healthy smile made a big difference in her life. She attended Ohio State University for her undergraduate and doctorate of dental science. Dr. Maria enjoys serving the city of Plano and providing excellent dental care to all patients.

Customized treatment options for patients of all ages

Caring and comforting staff with 30 years of experience

State-of-the art technology to diagnose and treat

Real Patients, Real Stories, Real Smiles

We Can’t Wait To Welcome Your Family To Our Office

Contact us today for an appointment to get the smile you deserve